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Expat Life

Cost of Living Expenses in Kuwait

11 April 2024
Cost of Living Expenses in Kuwait
Here is the cost of living expenses in Kuwait based on the data collected by Numbeo in 2019. Cost of accommodation, education, utilities, groceries, transportation, clothing, entertainments.

Kuwait Public Holidays

22 January 2024
Kuwait Public Holidays
Here is the list of Kuwait Public holidays 2024. Which includes government holidays, bank holidays and private company holidays.

19 Ways To Enjoy A Weekend In Kuwait

30 January 2020
19 Ways To Enjoy A Weekend In Kuwait
There are several sightseeing locations, and other activities organized for adults and kids throughout the city, and you just have to choose what suits your lifestyle the best.

Kuwait Salary - Average Salary and Payscale in Kuwait

27 January 2020
Kuwait Salary - Average Salary and Payscale in Kuwait
Salaries in Kuwait are similar to or greater than in western nations. But, given the fact that there is no personal taxation in Kuwait, the net income is usually great, and this is one of the major benefits of working in Kuwait.

Nightlife in Kuwait

27 January 2020
Nightlife in Kuwait
The nightlife in Kuwait focuses on friends and food, and smoke of water pipe or shisha, or maybe one of the low-key discos, but alcohol will not be sold here due to religious beliefs.

Rules for Visa Transfer to Another Sponsor

06 December 2019
Rules for Visa Transfer to Another Sponsor
If you wish to transfer your visa to another sponsor, reading this article is likely to help you, as explained here are the rules and procedure for obtaining a release.

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